Serving the Lord, helping the kids, and spending the last third of my life working my way back to the place where I can hang with the boy.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 5 - Picture of the Day

Muy Loco e Mas Bueno

Hey - it wasn't just me...Loretta did it too.


Anonymous said...

I did do it too and I'm so thankful that my big brother remembers his "life saving" techniques from over 30 years ago! Without it I'm sure I'd be in Africa by now or somewhere out in the middle of the Atlantic! But what a memorable experience!


Unknown said...

sounds fantastic. sure hope Jim agrees to going out beyond the break point. I couldn't believe that he, of all people, would cry 'uncle'. He has done much more dangerous things in his travels than ride a 10 foot wave!