Serving the Lord, helping the kids, and spending the last third of my life working my way back to the place where I can hang with the boy.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

X minus 10

I haven't figured out the secret to eternal youth yet but I'm ready to declare myself knowledgeable about weight loss. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I've reached the ideal weight or live the perfect healthy life, I'm saying I've found the nugget of gold.

The secret to weight loss is you need to be really fat!

During my AH-HA! moment I actually said "I wish I weighed 150 more pounds because then I could eat even more!"

The calorie consumption allowed by the software is determined by a number of factors and your starting weight is one of them. The more you weigh, the more you get to eat.

Then there is exercise. Same thing. Michelle and I were planning an exercise session and noticed that if we do a brisk walk for an hour she would burn 180 calories. Walking at her side for the same hour I blast through over 400 calories which gives me the opportunity to scarf down another full meal following her consumption scale (as miniscule as it is).

Here's another tip for having your diet work. Eat all the wrong stuff.

For decades I've been wolfing down chicken fried steak, double quarter pounders, and let's not forget that second helping of cherry pie. Eating like that sets a wonderful foundation for weight loss because when you switch over to egg whites and salad you can consume an amazing volume and still slash your calorie count.

Anyway it seems to be working. I've been at it for two weeks and I've managed to dump a wee bit over 10 pounds so far.

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