"Typically we charge between $3.59 and $3.99 a pound" the meat guy responded.
"It's on. It's SO on" I thought to myself...
Michelle was making chicken. If I need to apologize for insulting your mom, consider this an apology. I'm sure your mom made good fried chicken, but it isn't as good as when Michelle makes it. Nobody else does it as well. It doesn't mean yours is bad - it just means mine is better.
Anyway she was making chicken so I went to the store to get some potatoes (otherwise, what do you put under the gravy?). While I was there I noticed a little sign by a cooler of spiral sliced hams that said 79 cents a pound.
Upon further examination I noticed there was none of that "One per customer with $20 additional purchase" stuff on there.
"Could this be right?" I thought to myself? "Nope. It can't be right" I decided, and I went to talk to the meat man.
Well, as it turned out there were no limits and there were 10 butt portion hams (about 10 or 11 pounds each) in the display. I grabbed a cart and I put 10 of the hams in my cart, bought them, took them home, froze them, and delivered them to the food bank the next day.
So now I'm thinking I snagged $359 worth of ham for a bit over $80 and they probably refilled that meat counter. My next thought was "I've sold one of those pennies so I have $30.. "
It was then it occurred to me. I really need to sell some more pennies!
What do you cook the fired chicken with? A blow torch? Just throw it in the fire place? Is the fire department involved? So many questions.
Well...I wouldn't want to cook one that was still employeed...
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