Serving the Lord, helping the kids, and spending the last third of my life working my way back to the place where I can hang with the boy.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Mandy was sooooooo right!

Some time ago she told me was the best web site ever. At the time I quickly considered it, decided with a name like that it was probably just another of the porn sites she frequents and didn't pursue it.

I recently purchased an new HP computer (really - who else would I buy one from?) and it came with Pandora links pre-loaded. Turns out we own the site. Now don't get me wrong - this doesn't mean it isn't porn. EDS does all those spectra vision "movies who's titles won't show up on your hotel bill" so anything is possible.

But - I was intrigued and so I checked it out. I must admit that I now spend more time connected to Pandora than any other web site. So much so that it isn't even a contest.

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