Serving the Lord, helping the kids, and spending the last third of my life working my way back to the place where I can hang with the boy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


In February my wife was diagnosed with a metastatic cancer.  The doctor said "When I have to call someone in here and tell them they have less than three months to live I make them bring someone else to drive them home".

We were referred to an Oncologist who had Michelle do a scan.  The radiologist read the scan and passed the info on to the Oncologist who told us it had spread to "many" of Michelle's organs.

She (the Oncologist) went on to say that it presented as a stage 4 cancer that would give Michelle less than 2 months to live, but Michelle didn't have the other related symptoms that should be present.  We were told she must wait three months and get another scan.

June came.  Michelle doesn't have cancer.  It's something called Sarcoidosis.

A vaccine is an antigenic material that is injected into the body.  The body thinks it is a nasty disease so the immune system goes nuts, builds lots of antibodies, and gets ready for battle.  Then when (if) the "real" disease shows up it is totally outgunned and the immune system wins the battle.

June came.  I has spent the last six months considering how I would handle it if/when they told me my wife was going to die in a few months.  I spent way too many hours considering what it would take to get through the chemotherapy, how I would keep it together, what that meant to Michelle, what that meant to me, what that meant to my children.

Shortly before we got the "all clear" signal on Michelle's disease we got a call from my son who had just turned 30.  Same story as my wife.  Metastatic cancer.  Months to live.

It was deja vu all over again.  Essentially the same diagnosis (Michelle was pancreas and liver, Shane was colon and liver).  Crazy coincidence, wasn't it?

Was it?

Since we started living this Country and Western song that is our current life, a bunch of people have told me that the bible promises that God won't give us more than we can handle.   I've spent some time in the bible and I can't find what they're telling me.  I can find 1 Corinthians 10:13 that tells me I won't get temptations beyond what I can bear but nothing about God not giving me more than I can handle. 

That said, my first post on this subject of Shane trying to steal the thunder from his Mother's cancer diagnosis talked about my prayer being for Gods will and for grace for me if his will is out of sync with what I want.

As we near the end of July we all realize we need plenty of grace.  This puppy is way out of sync with what I want, and then it occurred to me.  A vaccine is used to build your immunity.  A vaccine is an inert dose of a nasty things to come so you can build up and get ready for the "real" one.

So what are the odds that a doctor will give a 55 year old woman a false stage 4 metastatic cancer diagnosis and only offer a few months to live?

When a doctor makes a mistake like that, what are the odds it will take 4 months for the "truth" to appear?

What are the odds of getting a stage 4 metastatic cancer diagnosis offering a few months to live on or around your 30th birthday?

What are the odds of both things happening at about the same time?

What are the odds of the older person's diagnosis being proven false a few weeks after the younger person's diagnosis being proven true.

Is there a grace vaccine?

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